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What Does This Mean for Me?


Medication comes in lots of different forms and it can be confusing and worrying if you don't understand why you are taking it or how to take it.


There are different ways you can take medication, some of these maybe tablets, liquid, injections, drops, and inhalers.


We have made some Easyread grab sheets which tell you about medications and being safe. You can download them here:


What are medications?

Things medications help with

Where might you get medications from?

Medications for mental health

Being safe


We have also made a video called “Medication! What Does This Mean for Me?”:



























We hope this film will help you to understand some of the different types of medication. We hope it has also gives you the confidence to ask about medication if you do not understand why you are taking it. Don't forget to ask if you are unsure.


Ask your doctor, pharmacist, nurse or someone you trust, to explain why and how you need to take these.


Funded through the Big Lottery Awards 4 All.


With grateful thanks to Lloyds Pharmacy, Magna Group Practice Rotherham, self advocates from Speakup working with the Friendly Training Company, online sources of information from Mind and Epilepsy Action.

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